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Kansas City
Christian Faith Center
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Gospel 1590 @ 9:30 AM
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The Battle in Your Mind

Family, we are in a spiritual warfare.  Satan comes against us by way of our mind.  He plants thoughts, ideas, and suggestions that go against the Word of God to try to steal, kill, and destroy us.  In First John 2:15-17 we are warned, “Stop loving this evil world [system] and all that it offers Read More >

Happy Fourth of July!

As you celebrate the Fourth of July with family and friends, we pray that you will have a blessed day, thanking our Heavenly Father for this nation and its people.  It is an honor to live under a government that still allows the citizens to worship and study God’s Holy Bible.  We are a nation Read More >

Happy Father’s Day!

We celebrate and congratulate the awesome fathers in our lives who strive to be men of honor and integrity.  Thank you for being upright men—we love you!   The definition of a father is a male parent who exercises paternal care over another, as provider and protector.  The main responsibilities of the Christian father are Read More >

Happy Memorial Day!

Giving honor and thanksgiving to our men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. We especially recognize all of the brave military personnel who gave their life protecting our freedom. We salute you and your families. It is important and right to remember our loved ones and their contribution to our Read More >

Happy Mother’s Day!

This devotional was especially prepared for those Christian women determined to raise godly children according to the Holy Bible. Mothers that deny themselves the sins of the world and put God’s Word first in order to be a living example of the virtuous woman in all they say and do (Titus 2:3-5). These women are Read More >

Happy Resurrection Day!

Christians around the world are celebrating and memorializing the life, death and resurrection of our Savior and Lord this month. It is a great time to thank Jesus for His selfless sacrifice and immense love for Mankind. It is a time to honor Him for His perfect Gift of Salvation and all the awesome benefits Read More >