open book
Kansas City
Christian Faith Center
welcome to kansas city christian faith center
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Gospel 1590 @ 9:30 AM
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Loving Our God

Our Heavenly Father is love and to fellowship with Him is to operate in His perfect love. God’s love is not merely beautiful words that we repeat like parrots, but His love requires action. John 3:16 says, that God loved Mankind while we were still in sin and He gave us His Son so that Read More >

Happy New Year

Year 2020 is officially history and the new year 2021 is on.  What a blessing it is to enter into another glorious year.  I want to take this time to give all the glory and praise to our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for all the blessings that were manifested in 2020.  Read More >

Enduring Challenges

Happy Labor Day! We honor and recognize the American labor movement and the contributions of all laborers that continue to develop our great country! Enduring challenges is part of life and God’s people are in a never-ending spiritual warfare. We are tempted and tested at our weakest points. Satan and his empts do not sleep Read More >



The McIntosh couple saw firsthand the glorious out pouring of the Holy Spirit and many healed from blindness, lame legs and demon possession. Jesus showed out and the multitudes eagerly received salvation. Pastor and his wife were stationed in Managua the capitol of Nicaragua with 1,000 other missionaries. Their team alone had ministers from four Read More >