Author: Dr. Michelle McIntosh
Redeemed in Jesus – What does it mean to be redeemed?
The Battle in Your Mind – Keeping Sexually Pure
The McIntosh couple saw firsthand the glorious out pouring of the Holy Spirit and many healed from blindness, lame legs and demon possession. Jesus showed out and the multitudes eagerly received salvation. Pastor and his wife were stationed in Managua the capitol of Nicaragua with 1,000 other missionaries. Their team alone had ministers from four Read More >
The city of Manila is the capital of the Philippines and over densely populated with people and vehicles. Many parts of the nation that the McIntosh couple visited were so crowded that the electricity would go off throughout the day and often interrupted the Bible Services. These outages were a direct result of the great Read More >
The McIntosh couple were told that Indonesia is the poorest country in Southeast Asia and has the highest concentration of Muslims in the world. This was evident while traveling through the country and seeing children and their families living in deep poverty. Their oppression was visible and reinforced every time the public call for prayers Read More >
South Wales
Dr. Michelle McIntosh traveled to South Wales and England along with one of her colleagues from ministry school. The ministry objective was to share the uncompromising Word of God in a denominational setting. The ministers shared with great boldness on the topics of faith, prayer, prosperity, the Holy Spirit, intercessory prayer, righteousness, and keeping sexually Read More >
Togo is one of the poorest countries in Africa and has a high practice of witchcraft. Many of the people who live there are hostages to the spirit of poverty and defeat. Prostitution is common place and is seen openly in the hotels where foreigners frequent. When the Crenshaw Christian Center mission team was asked Read More >
The McIntosh couple traveled to Ghana for the first-time with their church. The main purpose of this missionary assignment was to teach church leaders the principles of God’s Word so that they could take the faith message to their own churches and villages in rural Ghana. The Leadership Conference was held in Tema, Ghana and Read More >
Zimbabwe has many natural resources including Victoria Falls which is one of the seven-natural wonders of the world. It was once the most fertile country in Africa and feed many of the neighboring nations. However, civil strife along with government mismanagement has caused the country to decline. For the many Christians in this country the Read More >