Divine Health & Healing Our Covenant Rights

Too many Christians are dying prematurely and or suffering with sickness and pain because they do not know that Jesus has already paid the cost for their health and healing. Christians have a biblical right to live in divine health and or receive divine healing when they fall ill. Do not allow Satan’s lies to continue to keep you in bondage. Health and healing are divine rights for all Christians, if we will dare to believe and apply the Word of God daily.

God’s perfect plan for health and healing is recorded in the Holy Bible from the Old Testament through the New Testament. God never intended for Mankind to suffer from death, sickness or pain (Psalm 103:1 – 7; Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:16-17; and I Peter 2:24). For us Christians under the New Testament God’s Word tells us that with Jesus’ strips we are already healed. It is the redemptive work of Jesus which He completed with His life, death and resurrection that we have divine health and healing. In the following paragraphs I would like to give you some highlights of how these guaranteed covenant rights were paid for by the precious blood of Jesus.

First, true redemption is found in Jesus Christ. The word “redemption” means “to buy back; to free from what distresses or harms; free from captivity by payment of ransom; release from blame or debt; free from the consequences of sin; to change for the better; and to remove the obligation of by payment.” Jesus’ act of buying us back from the sin nature that Adam sold us into is recorded in Galatians 3:13-14. As a result of this redemptive work Jesus has provided all of Mankind the Gift of Salvation. This Gift of Salvation provides us: Deliverance from sin (Romans 5:8-9); Safety from harm (Luke 10:17-19); Preservation from evil (Luke 9:1-2); Healing of body (1 Peter 2:24); Soundness of mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

Secondly, the New Covenant purchased by the blood of Jesus is better than the old covenant because it affords us eternal life and an eternal inheritance which was not available to the Old Testament saints (Hebrews 7:19-28; 8:6). As part of our lifestyle, Christians must claim by faith our covenant rights including health and healing by speaking God’s Word over our lives and living according to His Word (Luke 4:18-19; Matthew 10:7-8; and Mark 16:15-18).

Thirdly, one of the redemptive Names of Jesus is Jehovah-Rapha which in English means “The Lord that heals me. My physician.” In the Hebrew translation it means “The Lord of the healed ones.” In either translation, God does not want His children sick and infirmed. Therefore, I encourage you to learn how to pray when sickness tries to destroy your body. When you pray believe that you receive your healing (Mark 11:24). This is asking according to God’s Will (I John 5:14-15). And, always stay focused on what God’s Word tells us which gives us abundant life (Prov. 4:20-27).

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