Dr. Michelle V. McIntosh is a native of and lived in Southern California until 2017 where she met and married Pastor John C. McIntosh who is a native of Kansas City. She is the co-founder and Treasurer of Agape Christian Missions, International Ministries and first-lady of Kansas City Christian Faith Center (KCCFC).
Dr. McIntosh has been called to the office of teacher in the Body of Christ. She was ministry educated and mentored by Apostle Frederick K. C. Price, founder of Crenshaw Christian Center and Ever-Increasing Faith Ministries. She ultimately earned a Th.D. in Theology in 2008 at Total Word Concept Institute and was ordained in 2010.
Along with her husband of thirty-six years, she has traveled to various countries in Africa including Namibia, Ghana, Togo, South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe, as well as Germany, Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Wales, England and Nicaragua teaching the uncompromising Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.
In addition to handling the administrative functions of KCCFC she continues to teach a bi-monthly Wednesday Night Woman’s Bible Class via telephone conferencing. This year they are celebrating their 13th year anniversary of studying and applying God’s Living Word.
She is in the process of publishing three instructional books titled, “Prayers That Reach the Throne of God”; “The Holy Spirit: The Third Person of the Godhead”; and “Prosperity for God’s People.” They are expected to be released in early 2021.
Her past accomplishments include teaching at Bible Believers Christian College & Seminary and Apostle Frederick Price Ministry Training Institute. She served as a facilitator under the Ministerial Assistance Program at Crenshaw Christian Center for ten years and was a licensed Chaplain serving as a Board Member and Assistant Director of Administration for Chaplain’s Eagles, Inc. under the Los Angeles County Probation Department. Dr. McIntosh was a board member of Destiny Channel Global Network and a council member of Hosanna Broadcasting. She has also ministered in the men and women prisons under New Life for Old Ministries in Nevada and Northern California.