Happy Autumn!

For every farmer this is the season of reaping the fruit of their labor. Enjoying and sharing their bountiful crop that brings nourishment to many. Here in America, we are thankful for the harvest and are blessed from the variety available to us. We are a prosperous nation!

In like manner, God has a perfect plan for His children to financially prosper. His law of Seed-Time & Harvest provides us the ability to get wealth.

First, the seed is equal to the tithe and offerings Christians give or plant into good ground—the storehouse or ministry that is doing the work of the Lord. Just like it takes time for an apple seed to grow and eventually give fruit. Your financial seed is growing and will give a return in due time according to your planting—the more you give the more you will receive.

Don’t let Satan talk you out of your financial blessing by telling you that giving to the Kingdom of God is the pastor’s trick to take your money. Family, you are not giving your tithes and offerings to the pastor, but unto the Lord with love and obedience to His Word. God does not need your money He lives in a wealthy place already. Rather, God is looking to establish His covenant here on earth through our gifts, talents and goodwill offerings. When we are obedient to give, we are blessed with material wealth through His divine law of sowing and reaping.

Secondly, after you have planted your financial seed into a godly ministry, you will have to water your financial seed by confessing God’s Word over your giving. So, keep claiming prosperity over your finances by faith!

Lastly, don’t limit your harvest by expecting that the only channel of blessing in your life is your job or your retirement fund. God will use these channels to further bless you, but He is well able to move the hearts of men that you know and do not know to give to you. You purpose in your heart to allow God to use His infinite resources to bless you. Whereupon, your faith confession should be to thank the Heavenly Father that big money is coming from the north, south, east, and west to meet your every need and desire in abundance so you can continue to be a blessing to the Body of Christ. And, so that you may leave an inheritance to your children’s children!

God clearly tells us that His plan for His children is to live victoriously in financial wealth.

Psalm 35:27:

Let them shout for joy and rejoice, who favor my vindication and want what is right for me; Let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, who delights and takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.

Psalm 37:25:

I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous those in right standing with God abandoned or his descendants pleading for bread.