We celebrate and congratulate the awesome fathers in our lives who strive to be men of honor and integrity. Thank you for being upright men—we love you!
The definition of a father is a male parent who exercises paternal care over another, as provider and protector. The main responsibilities of the Christian father are to love, teach, and train up their child based on God’s Holy Word.
The Christian father is to love their children.
John 13:34-35: Love is a virtue that must be developed and demonstrated by words and deeds. Do not belittle your children. Rather, encourage and exhort them in the Lord.
Titus 2:1-2, 6-7: Love must be nurtured and taught to your children. The greatest example of how to love is the way the parents treat each other. Children of wife beaters and child abusers will grow up to be the same and worse.
John 3:16-17: God gave (action) His best because He loved us so much. In like manner, natural fathers should express their love by treating their children as the special people they are.
The Christian father is to teach God’s Word to their children.
Deuteronomy 4:9; 6:6-7: Teaching children right from wrong will save their life and bring them prosperity spirit, soul, and body.
Hosea 8:7: If you don’t teach God’s Word to your child the child will be like a seed sown into the wind. A seed without fertile soil and proper care will not grow healthy and strong. Give your child time and undivided attention.
John 8:32: Knowing the truth of God’s Word will give your children the knowledge and understanding to develop their God given gifts and talents. Then they will be successful spirit, soul and body.
The Christian father is to train and discipline their children.
Second Timothy 3:14-15: There is a difference between teaching and training. Training comes from putting the principle you have taught them into practice.
Proverbs 22:6: Humans are born with a sinful nature and do not know which way to go. They must be taught as children the way to go. As a result, you must make your children do what the Word of God says by using God’s wisdom. This requires patience and consistence. “Making” a child to do something does not mean violence. If you get authority over your children when they are young, they will respect your position and follow your lead, as they get older.
Proverbs 13:24: A part of training is correcting your children, so that they learn what is wrong and what is right. If you really love your children, you will correct them while they are young so they can grow up to be godly adults. The Bible uses the word “chastisement” which translates to “correction”, not punishment. And “chasten” means “to instruct,” “to reform,” “to reprove” and “to teach.” In other words, you must do whatever it takes to make your child do what is right.
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