Happy Labor Day!

We honor the American labor force and the contributions of our citizens of all ethnicities that continue to make our nation great. Thank you for your diligent efforts!

Enduring challenges is part of life and God’s people are in a never-ending spiritual warfare. We are tempted and tested at our weakest points. Satan and his empts do not sleep nor do they tire. They are looking for whom they may devour (First Peter 5:8). Satan hates Mankind especially Christians and his intentions are destructive. Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that Satan’s sole plan is to steal, kill, and destroy.

The Good News is that Jesus has won the war and declared us overwhelmingly victorious: spirit, soul, and body through His blood covenant! Why then are so many born-again children of the Living God not enduring the challenges of life? Can it be that we are not operating according to God’s Word because of ignorance or worst, disobedience?

God says in James 1:12-15, “Blessed is the man that endures temptations.” Here are some key synonyms for the word “endure”; prevail, sustain adversity, outlast, live on, withstand, and pass through. In other words, those of us who prevail over Satan’s temptations will experience God’s blessings. And, it is as simple as saying “no” to Satan and “yes” to God’s Word.

In James 1:1-8, we are told to count it all joy when we are going through challenges, trials, tests and temptations. Why can we count it “joy” when we are facing adverse situations? Because God has already given us the way of escape through Jesus (First Corinthians 10:13). Jesus has defeated Satan through His life, death and resurrection and all we need to do is accept Jesus’ Gift of Salvation and thus receive His power, dominion and authority over Satan. Our faith in God’s Word produces victory over evil and a life filled with the blessings of God.

Now here’s a news flash, to do God’s Word requires our will. In First Corinthians 9:24-27, we are told to discipline our own bodies. Notice that God is not the One doing the discipline. Because He has already empowered us to do so by using His Word. He tells us to be temperate, exercise self-control and not to trust our flesh. We must not let our bodies dictate what, when, how we will operate in this earth realm—there is no good thing in the body, it will kill us graveyard dead (Romans 7:18).

Satan can be a formidable foe, if we let him. Revelation 12:9 says that Satan deceives the whole world. However, if we take the time to study God’s Word and rightly divide the Truth we will not be bamboozled.

Deliverance from all of Satan’s attacks is promised to God’s children. In Psalm 34 God tells us to “taste and see that the LORD is good” and that those who trust in Him are blessed spirit, soul and body! Therefore, stay blessed, victorious and peaceful in Jesus!