Happy New Year!

Here is my invocation for each Christian this New Year. Please read this prayer out loud and stand in agreement with these faith confessions.

Heavenly Father, we give You praise and thanksgiving for 2024! And, we thank you Jesus for Your love and redemption. We honor You because Your victory over Satan, his demons and evil assignments is our victory, no exceptions.

We declare that all of our nights are peaceful for You watch over all of our households. We thank You for our divine health and prosperity. We accept and confess that we are blessed and will be a blessing to others all the days of our lives.

Father, we pray for every believer in the Body of Christ, its leaders, and their families. We pray for every Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, Chaplain, and Missionary. We pray that they have the spirit of wisdom of Your Word. The eyes of our understanding being enlightened that we may know what is the hope of Your calling and the riches of the glory of Your inheritance. We thank You that the exceeding greatness of Your power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in our ministries providing all of it’s spiritual and financial needs in abundance.

We pray that we be strengthened with all might by Your Holy Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith. That we, being grounded in love will be able to comprehend the love of Christ which passes knowledge and be filled with all of His fullness to the praise and glory of Your name. That Your name may be exalted continually, throughout the earth that the world may see Jesus through us.

We thank You that we have godly wisdom to make every decision that we need to make in 2024. We thank You for protecting us from any voice or spirit that is not from You. But surround us with those who are from You, so we may complete our divine assignments in excellence. We thank You for revealing and removing anything or anyone that is not right in our ministries or in our individual lives that we may be blameless in Your presence. We thank You for giving us understanding hearts that we may discern between the good and bad for how can we judge so great a people?

We thank You that because we have made You Father God our habitation, no evil shall befall us and no plague shall come nigh our dwellings because You give Your angels charge over us to keep us in all of our ways. We are blessed as a family because we fear You and delight greatly in Your commandments. Our seed shall be mighty upon the earth and they shall be blessed. They shall serve You all the days of their lives from this generation until Jesus comes.

We declare it all in the Name of our Savior and Lord, King Jesus. Amen!