The McIntosh couple were told that Indonesia is the poorest country in Southeast Asia and has the highest concentration of Muslims in the world. This was evident while traveling through the country and seeing children and their families living in deep poverty. Their oppression was visible and reinforced every time the public call for prayers was blasted through loud speakers in the city according to the Muslim religion.
The assignment to teach in Indonesia was God sent and God’s protective angles were on their job throughout this mission trip. The McIntoshs had the opportunity to minister in a small Christian church right in the center of a Muslim village without opposition. Even though, the missionaries were told that trouble had broken out in the recent past between the Christians and Muslims living there. The congregants of this small church received the Word of God with eagerness. Hands were laid on the sick and the people received their healing that evening.
Then in the following days, additional ministry took place in the mall among many shoppers without incident. The faith conference held in a Muslim facility in the city went forth in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Word taught added new illumination to the participants understanding. Everyone rejoiced in the Word and glorified the Lord!