Loving Our God

Our Heavenly Father is love and to fellowship with Him is to operate in His perfect love. God’s love is not merely beautiful words that we repeat like parrots, but His love requires action. John 3:16 says, that God loved Mankind while we were still in sin and He gave us His Son so that we would not perish but have eternal life in Jesus.

Man is made in the image of God; we are a tri-part being. We are spirits like God; we possess a soul which contains our will, intellect, and emotions; and we live in a physical body consisting of corruptible blood, flesh, and bones. When we receive Jesus as our Savior, our spirit is renewed and made spiritually alive in Him. However, our soul and body need to be transformed by the Word of God which is the responsibility of each born-again Christian. The tragedy is that too many Christians are waiting for God to transform their mind and body. When in fact, we are empowered to transform our mind and body by God’s Word (Romans 12:1-2).

In Luke 10:27, we are told to love God. This scripture in part tells us, “that you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind.” Therefore, my question to you is how do you love a Living God that you cannot touch or see? The answer to this question is found in Second John 6, “If we love God, we will do whatever He tells us to. And He has told us from the very first to love each other.” When we live according to His Word, the Holy Bible, we show our Heavenly Father and others that we love Him.

Here are some more scriptures that show us just how to love God.

In Matthew 22:37, Jesus tells us to love God with our heart, soul, and mind. In this verse our “heart” equals the spirit of man—accepting the Gift of Salvation is the beginning of showing our love to the Heavenly Father and Jesus. The “soul” equals the mind—renew your mind with God’s Word daily.

In First John 5:2-5, we are told that we have overcome Satan’s world
system through Jesus. As a mature Christian, we must diligently study and apply God’s Word to our life.

John 13:34-35, we are told that Christians are Jesus’ disciples. Jesus’ disciples show the love of God to others by serving them. We express love to others by doing what is good, and not evil.
First John 2:5, tells us to do the Word of God. You are a true Christian when
you operate like Jesus Christ. Jesus went about teaching, preaching and healing the sick. He showed love and compassion to the multitudes.

John 14:21-24 says, when you are obedient to do God’s Word, you are showing God that you love Him. On the other hand, if you do not do His Word you do not love God—it is your choice.

LOVE never fails!

20 thoughts on “Loving Our God

    1. Greetings in the Name of Jesus! Thank you for visiting our site and kind comments. Please come back soon and learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Enjoy your many blessings in Jesus!

    1. Greetings in the Name of Jesus! Thank you for visiting our site and kind comments. Please come back soon and learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Happy Spring!

    1. Greetings in the Name of Jesus! Thank you for visiting our site and your comments. Please do come back soon and learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Happy Spring!

    1. Greetings in the Name of Jesus! Thank you for visiting our site and your comments. I am new to blogging, so please accept my apology for the delay of this response. Please do come back soon, as we plan to add YouTube and Facebook shortly. Happy Spring!

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    1. Greetings in the Name of Jesus! Thank you for visiting our site and kind comments. Please come back soon and learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Happy Spring!

    1. Howard, greetings in the Name of Jesus! Thank you for visiting our site and your interest to subscribe to our weblog. Unfortunately, I checked with our Host and this feature is not available to us at this time. I hope this will not keep you from coming back to visit and enjoy more teachings on our Savior and Lord. Happy Summer!

    1. Greetings in the Name of Jesus Kip! Thank you for visiting our site and your kind comments. It is our desire that we share the Good News of Jesus Christ with love and compassion. Please come back soon. Happy Memorial Day!

    1. Emmett, greetings in the Name of Jesus! Thank you for visiting our site and kind comments. We also invite you to join us each Sunday by way of teleconferencing. Our Bible Studies by Pastor John start at 2:00 PM–Central Standard Time. The call-in number is 605-313-4834 and the access code is 997020#. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

    1. Greetings in the Name of Jesus! Thank you for visiting our site and kind comments. We also invite you to join us by teleconferencing on Sundays for our weekly Bible Study by Pastor John. The call-in number is 605-313-4834 and the access code is 997020#. Our service starts at 2:00 PM–Central Standard Time. We look forward to hearing from you!

    1. Greetings in the Name of Jesus, Rick! Thank you for visiting our site and your kind comments. Please consider joining us for Sunday Service by way of teleconferencing. Our call-in number is 605-313-4834 and the access code is 997020#. We start at 2:00 PM–Central Standard Time. Happy Father’s Day!

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