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Kansas City
Christian Faith Center
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pastor john

Pastor John C. McIntosh is a native of Kansas City, Kansas and a proud graduate of Sumner High School class of 1966 where he was elected and served as president of the graduating class.

He is co-founder of Kansas City Christian Faith Center along with his wife Dr. Michelle V. McIntosh, First Lady of the church. Together they co-founded Agape Christian Missions International Ministries in Whittier, California. Pastor McIntosh graduated in 2000 from Crenshaw Christian Center’s Ministry Training Institute, founded by Apostle Frederick K. C. Price. And, was ordained in 2015 by the Fellowship of International Christian Word of Faith Ministries.

Along with his wife of thirty-six years, he has traveled to various countries in Africa including Namibia, Ghana, Togo, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, as well as Germany, Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Nicaragua to teach the uncompromising Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pastor McIntosh is currently on Gospel 1590 teaching every Wednesday morning by radio and the Internet.

Pastor McIntosh has taught Bible Study classes at various correctional institutions including Central and Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall. He is a former Chaplain at Dorothy Kirby Juvenile Hall correctional facility under Chaplain Eagles, Inc. for the Los Angeles County Probation Department.

God spoke to Pastor McIntosh in 1998 to return home to Kansas City and establish a church in the inner-city. God gave him a three-bullet point assignment. First, to teach on the principles of faith, secondly have a strong emphasis on the man and his development as a mature Christian, and thirdly to be a catalyst to help unite the Body of Christ across religious denominations.
Pastor McIntosh has earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Education and Master’s Degree in Theology.