

The city of Manila is the capital of the Philippines and over densely populated with people and vehicles. Many parts of the nation that the McIntosh couple visited were so crowded that the electricity would go off throughout the day and often interrupted the Bible Services. These outages were a direct result of the great demand for electricity over taxing the utility company. The city’s population strains all areas of living standards including hygiene, mode of transportation and noise.

However, even in the mist of what appears utter confusion are the gracious and loving people who live there. The peoples’ hospitality extends to all who visit, so the McIntosh couple were treated like royalty and the meals provided were especially tasty, which included local fish, sweet fruit and fresh vegetables. The McIntoshs felt so welcomed and blessed to be in a country with such wonderful and caring people.

Many of the Filipino people are raised and grounded in Catholicism. And, too many of them are held in bondage by their religious traditions. However, many others are open to the Word of Faith and being taught about their rights in Jesus. As a result, the faith and prosperity messages that the McIntosh couple brought to them were overwhelmingly accepted and the personal ministry work led by the Holy Spirit was welcomed too. Many received the Gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues and their physical healing.

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