The Art of Forgiveness

God tells us to forgive one another. If we want God to forgive us of our sins, we must first forgive others. Harboring unforgiveness is one of the reasons why so many individuals die pre-maturely. Dying before age 70.

When we choose to hold onto unforgiveness, we not only cause ourselves sickness and diseases (Matt. 6:15-15), but we stop our prayers from reaching the throne of God. I admit that forgiving an individual who has out-right wronged you is not always easy to do. Consequently, we must ask and allow God to heal all of our hurts. Then we must choose to release the anger and unforgiveness. By-doing-so, we remove the sin that is holding us back from receiving the promises of our salvation in Jesus (Prov. 14:30).

Forgiving others is an act of our free will by faith in God’s Word. When we do, we can be sure that our prayers of faith will be answered and we will walk in the victory that Jesus paid for with His life, death, and resurrection (Matt. 17:20).

I am not saying that the betrayal you endured was justified. However, the person who harbors the unforgiveness is doomed and headed for destruction which is why Satan keeps bringing up the mess to our attention daily. Satan is the one who keeps reminding us of the ill-will, so that we will not forgive and ultimately live-in defeat. Forgiveness must be done by faith and to honor our Heavenly Father and Jesus Who washed away all of our sins and forgave us unconditionally. I am here to tell you that forgiving others, as well as our selves, is the right step toward growing and maturing in the things of God.

For this reason, we will be discussing the Art of Forgiveness based on the Holy Scriptures. We will learn how to choose to forgive others by faith and avoid the traps of Satan. Forgiveness is for our benefit and well-being, not just for the offender. Biblical forgiveness does not erase the hurtful memories, but it does give us the strength through faith to choose to forgive, and move forward with our relationship in God’s peace—the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding.

These are some of the reasons we must choose to forgive:

  • God commands us to in His Word.

  1. Mark 11:25-26
  2. Ephesians 4:32

  3. Colossians 3:12-14

  • Our personal relationship with God is not blocked by the sin of unforgiveness.

  1. Isaiah 43:25

  2. Isaiah 55:7

  3. Jeremiah 31:34

  • Our prayers can be answered and physical healing can take place.

  1. Exodus 15:26

  2. Psalm 103:3

  3. James 5:15-16

  • We stop Satan from stealing, killing, and destroying us.

  1. Hebrews 12:14-15

  2. James 4:6-7

  3. I Peter 5:5-11

    • The love of Jesus can truly operate in our lives.

    1. John 13:34-35

    2. II Cor. 2:5-11

    3. I John 2:9-11

  • Portions of this devotional are found in my book titled, “Prayers That Reach the Throne of God.”