

Togo is one of the poorest countries in Africa and has a high practice of witchcraft. Many of the people who live there are hostages to the spirit of poverty and defeat. Prostitution is common place and is seen openly in the hotels where foreigners frequent.

When the Crenshaw Christian Center mission team was asked and accepted the invitation to lead in a Leadership Conference in Togo all hell broke loose at the immigration border. The mission team was delayed at the border for hours going in and coming out of the country. There was a very vocal civil demonstration taking place that kept the traffic from moving forward. As a result, our host pastor came out to see what he could do to expedite our travels. It took the efforts of the pastor and all of the team praying in our heavenly language to break through the challenge.

In addition, while we were ministering at the convention site one of our traveling vehicles was vandalized. However, the conference did take place and those in attendance received the Word of God with enthusiasm. Thank you, Jesus, this is one country that truly benefited from the Word of Faith that was spoken!

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