

Zimbabwe has many natural resources including Victoria Falls which is one of the seven-natural wonders of the world. It was once the most fertile country in Africa and feed many of the neighboring nations. However, civil strife along with government mismanagement has caused the country to decline. For the many Christians in this country the hope and assurance of better days rest solely on Jesus.

In December of 2006, Dr. Ephiel Mukamuri, Pastor of Logos Rhema Ministries in Harare, Zimbabwe invited John and Michelle to minister at their annual prosperity convention. The McIntosh couple saw first-hand churches growing and expanding to meet the needs of their growing congregations. It was a great blessing to be a part of this advancing Christian movement. For the first time on the mission field Dr. McIntosh taught on Blood Covenant and the teaching was well received.

We all know that when a group of people desire to please God and do His Word the entire country benefits and lives in peace. This is the prayer of the people of Zimbabwe and especially of those who have called on the Name of Jesus.

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